Computer Shortcuts

Shortcut keys Concept:
Shortcuts keys help provide an easier and usually quicker method of navigating
and using computer software programs. Shortcut keys are commonly accessed by
using the Alt (on IBM compatible computers), command key (on Apple
computers), Ctrl, or Shift in conjunction with a single letter.
Basic PC shortcut keys:
The below basic shortcut keys are a listing of shortcut keys that will work with
almost all IBM compatible computers and software programs. It is highly
recommended that all users keep a good reference of the below shortcut keys or try
to memorize the below keys. Doing so will dramatically increase your
Shortcut Keys Function

Alt + F = Files menu options in current program.
Alt + E= Edits options in current program
F= Universal Help in almost every Windows program.
Ctrl + A    Selects all text.
Ctrl + F     Opens find window for current document or window.
Ctrl + X     Cuts selected item.
Shift + Del Cuts selected item.
Ctrl + C      Makes Copy of selected text/item.
Ctrl + Ins    Makes Copy of selected text/item
Ctrl + V      Paste
Shift + Ins   Paste
Ctrl + P       Prints the current page or document.
Home         Goes to beginning of current line.
Ctrl + Home Goes to beginning of document.
End            Goes to end of current line.
Ctrl + End Goes to end of document.
Shift + Home   Highlights from current position to beginning of line.
Shift + End   Highlights from current position to end of line.
Ctrl + Left arrow   Moves one word to the left at a time.
Ctrl + Right arrow   Moves one word to the right at a time.

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