1SWOT stands for ____Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats
2FDI stands for ____Foreign Direct Investment
3POP stands for ____Point of Purchase Display
4UPC stands for ____Universal Product Code
5SFA stands for ____Sales Force Automation
6LTV stands for ____Lifetime Value
7CPA stands for ____Cost Per Action
8CPC stands for ____Cost per Click
9SEO stands for ____Search Engine Optimization
10SEM stands for ____Search Engine Marketing
11IMC stands for ____Integrated Marketing Communication
12VOC stands for ____Voice of Customer
13CLV stands for ____Customer Lifetime Value
14DCF stands for ____Discounted Cash Flow
15CLS stands for ____Consumer Location System
16SPOC stands for ____Suspects Prospects Opportunities Customers
17RPM stands for ____Resale Price Maintenance
18DRA stands for ____Direct Response Advertising
19NPD stands for ____New Product Development
20BDI stands for ____Brand Development Index

  By- ExamAddaa Team

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