Here is 5 September 2015 IBPS RRB question paper with answer key. These all questions were asked in the morning shift of IBPS RRB 4 examinations. Here we are providing questions based on memory so that it can help the other candidates to understand the question level and pattern. After reading these questions you can easily understand which type of questions are coming in IBPS RRB 4 officer scale exam.
What is the currency of Thailand – Thai Baht
DICGC is a subsidiary of – RBI
Ramanujan award given in which field? – Mathematics
Where is the Head quarter of IAEA – Vienna
What is the capital of Italy ? – Rome
What the full form of CERN?- European Organization for Nuclear Research
Brad Haddin is related to Which sport ? – Cricket
What is the capital of Egypt ? – Cario
When vegetarian day observed ? – 1 October
Where is the Head quarter of New development bank? – Shanghai
Biggest state of India in terms of Area ?- Rajsthan
What is the currency of Bhutan ?- Ngultrum
Touch screen is a type device ? – Input / Output
What is the fastest memory in the computer ? – Cache
Largest font size available in the MS word formatting tool bar? – 72
Which input device is used to read the coded information in the form of Black lines.- Bar-code reader.
These all are memory based questions. If you also had exam today then do share your question via comment box. It can help other people.
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