1In Banking terminology, NPA meansNon-Performing Asset
2Which of the following schemes has been launched for providing health services in rural areas?ASHA
3Which of the following schemes has been launched for the school-going children?Mid-Day Meal
4‘Sugam’ is a scheme launched forSmall tax payers
5What is the full form of ‘ULIP’, the term which was in the news recently?Unit Linked Insurance Plan
6Which of the following is NOT a banking related term?Radiation
7Insurance service provided by various banks is commonly known as ______Bancassurance
8Which from the following is NOT true when the interest rate in the economy goes up?Return on capital increases
9Rate of interest is determined by:Commercial Banks
10Which bank was earlier called the “Imperial Bank of India”?SBI
11The abbreviation NABARD stands for:National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development
12Which bank in India performs duties of Central Bank?RBI
13RBI was nationalized in:1949
14Open market operations of RBI refer to buying and selling of:Government bonds
15The Narasimhan Committee (1991) on financial reforms proposed for establishment of a:4 tier hierarchy of the banking structure
16Green banking means:Financing of environmental friendly projects by banks
17Which one of the following is NOT a quantitative credit control technique?Increase of interest rate on saving deposit
18The bank rate is the rate of interest at which the RBI provides loans to the:Scheduled Commercial Banks
19The Monetary policy of India is announced by the:Governor of the RBI
20Which one of the following rates is NOT decided by the RBI?Income Tax Rates

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